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Using Data to Inform Programming


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At Trylon Evaluation and Performance Monitoring, Inc., we believe that the best solutions come from the people who are most affected by the problem. We have dedicated our lives to working with these communities — providing whatever support they need in order to unlock their potential. We want all individuals to envision their goals and realize they have the ability to make their dreams a reality.

Trylon is a small, woman-owned business specializing in participatory action research, program evaluation, benefit-cost analysis, quality assurance and applied policy research and analysis.

Mission: provide relevant and timely feedback in order to improve social programming and public policy

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Since 2013, Trylon Evaluation and Performance Monitoring, Inc. has strived to make a difference in communities by providing personalized guidance and support. Read all about our latest updates, and how our work is helping to transform behavioral and public health in underserved communities.

NEZ PERCE TRIBE: State-Tribal Education Partnership (STEP) Continuation

JANUARY 1, 2024

Trylon is thrilled to continue a pilot test of culturally responsive methods for STEP.  Supported with funding from the Chan-Zuckerberg Initiative, the pilot test includes Pi'amkin (Gathering) for educators, grandparents, and parents, Grandparent to Grandchild Learning Updates, Sharing my Learning Story for students, and a parent PhotoVoice project. Program and evaluation activities from previous STEP CZI funding continue. Participating districts are Lapwai and Kamiah. The pilot test will determine if and how these activities are rolled out to the schools in school year 2024-2025.


LOS ANGELES CENTERS FOR ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE: Certified Community Behavioral Health Center

OCTOBER 1, 2023

L.A. CADA  is implementing the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Mental Health Services Certified Community Behavioral Health Center (CCBHC, or the Wellness Center).  Trylon developed the needs assessment, and will provide project evaluation and performance monitoring. The purpose of this program is to increase access to, and improve the quality of community mental and substance use disorder treatment services.  CCBHCs provide person- and family-centered integrated services. The Wellness Center provides access to services including 24/7 crisis intervention services for individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) or substance use disorders (SUD),  children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbance (SED); and individuals with co-occurring mental and substance disorders (COD).


MARCH 1, 2024

The Los Angeles Centers for Alcohol and Drug Programs (L.A. CADA) is implementing the California Department of Health Care Services Children and Youth Behavioral Health Initiative project, implementing Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. The project will screen for trauma and post-traumatic stress disorder among youth ages 12-17 in Los Angeles County. Project staff will provide training for behavioral health professionals and education for parents. Trylon will provide project evaluation and performance monitoring.


MAY 1, 2021

L.A. CADA  is implementing the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration Center for Mental Health Services Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) project. Trylon will provide project evaluation and performance monitoring. L.A. CADA will establish a high-fidelity, field-based Assertive Community Treatment (ACT) program in L.A. County.
A recovery-oriented package of integrated, individualized, and time-unlimited services will provide consumers with approximately four face-to-face contacts per week and four
family contacts per month, as well as 24/7 crisis intervention. A diverse multidisciplinary team will deliver ACT services, meeting daily to review consumer progress and plan the treatment day.Participants will be referred from the L.A. County Department of Mental Health and from other L.A. CADA programs.

NEZ PERCE TRIBE: State-Tribal Education Partnership (STEP)

OCTOBER 1, 2023

Trylon is excited to provide evaluation and performance monitoring for the federal Education Department State Tribal Education Partnership (STEP) Idaho Tribal Consortium. The expanded collaboration is supported by federal Department of Education funding for the Idaho Tribal Education Agency (TEA) Consortium State Tribal Education Partnership (STEP) Program grant. STEP is designed to  create more congruent partnerships among the tribes, the State Board of Education, the Idaho Department of Education and targeted Local Education Agencies on tribal homelands of the Coeur d’Alene, Nez Perce and Shoshone Bannock Tribes. The Nez Perce Tribe was the lead applicant for the grant.


NEZ PERCE TRIBE: Partnerships for Success

OCTOBER 1, 2019

The Nez Perce Tribe (Nimiipuu) is implementing the Strategic Prevention Framework-Partnerships for Success (SPF-PFS) effort to address the problem of alcohol and marijuana use among Native American youth. Participatory Action Research will guide the SPF-PFS process. According to the University of Kansas’ Community Tool Box, Action Research involves people “who are most affected by a community issue – typically in collaboration or partnership with others who have research skills – to conduct research on and analyze that issue, with the goal of devising strategies to resolve it.” The tribe will directly engage youth and young adults in learning more about an issue that affects them (alcohol and marijuana use and binge drinking) and take action (e.g. develop solutions) to help resolve the problem. They will develop a Youth/Young Adult Coalition to assist in this process. Trylon will develop focus group protocols and collect school-wide surveys from districts on and near the reservation.

NEZ PERCE TRIBE: Native Connections

OCTOBER 1, 2023

Trylon continues over 30 years of partnership with the Nimiipuu (Nez Perce Tribe) for its Native Connections project. This project is designed to prevent suicide among indigenous youth and young adults and is funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. The Tribe will engage in participatory action research in order to outline community needs and resources. This process continues to  be facilitated by an advisory board of youth and young adults (Native America Hear Our Voices Arise-NAHOVA).


OCTOBER 1, 2023

L.A. CADA is implementing an adult reentry program to facilitate seamless transition from custody to community-based substance abuse treatment. Trylon is collaborating with L.A. CADA to conduct the independent evaluation of this project, funded by the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration.  

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